Competition results and more

“Brave or stupid fisherman” by Pat Scott. The next competition will be held on the 2nd September 2020. The set subject is “Low key Photography-Monochrome only”. The deadline for upload to Photovault is the 19th August 2020. The judge will be David Barnes.

Brave or stupid fisherman by Pat Scott. Click here to see the full image

Click here to view the August competition results

For all the monthly results go to the Competition results page

To view the winning images and the top scoring images visit the Galleries


The September 2nd 2020 competition will be a virtual one, online, due to the current Covid-19 restrictions. Only digital images in the Open and Set subject will be judged. The set subject is “LOW KEY PHOTOGRAPHY – MONOCHROME ONLY”. (A low-key image is one that contains predominantly dark tones. Like high key images, low key photography conveys atmosphere and mood. Where a high-key image feels airy and light, a low-key one is usually dramatic and full of mystery. Shoot this in monochrome only).  You may enter a total of 3 images.

Please upload your images to Photovault by midnight on Wednesday 19th August. This is a week earlier than usual due to the implementation of a new version of Photovault at the end of August.

The judge for the evening will be David Barnes

Go to the Competitions page for more details